

HYDRATION - Part 1 of 3


To see how much WEIGHT you lost? NO! To see how much FAT you lost? NO! To see how much SWEAT you lost? BINGO! (Read guidelines below)

Optimal performance is dependent upon more than just training. It’s about an expertly designed nutrition plan, rest, and adequate hydration, all of which work together to help the body run most effectively. Hydration, in particular, can be overlooked and undervalued by athletes/exercisers as part of good training program. When this happens, you risk becoming dehydrated. This dehydration can lead to injuries, heat illness and even hyponatremia (an excessive loss of sodium and imbalance of electrolytes). Dehydration can also make exercise seem more difficult, because of the increased strain on the body.

Try to implement a hydration protocol to best support your training efforts. Consider exercise intensity and duration, breaks and sweat rates as well as these recommendations from ACE on how to maintain optimal hydration:

  • Pre-workout

    Drink 17 to 20 fl. oz. of water two to three hours before exercise. Drink 8 oz. of fluid 20 to 30 minutes before exercise.

  • During a workout

    Drink 7 to 10 oz. of fluid every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise.

  • Post-workout

    Drink an additional 8 oz. of fluid 30 minutes after exercise.

    Drink an additional 16 to 24 oz. of fluid for every pound of body weight lost during your workout. THAT’S WHY YOU WEIGH YOURSELF (before and) AFTER A WORKOUT!

    Source: National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) & the American Council on Exercise (ACE)


Time takes a toll on your body

Each decade after age 25 you lose 4 % of your muscle mass. After age 40, you lose 1 % a year. Some individuals lose more. Metabolism starts to slow down in your late twenties, which makes it easier to put on weight, which adds stress to your bones and joints. But...on the plus side... vigorous exercise SLOWS THE LOSS OF MUSCLE.

Ralph Santarsiero